Friday, January 27, 2012


I read a little about this new series from Fables in January 2012's Previews. I squeed in my heart. I love Fables and I tend to enjoy the spin offs. Okay, I stopped keeping up with Jack of Fables but I'll get back to it.

Basically Fairest gives back story on women characters. I look forward to it despite that one time in #100 when Snow lost her mind on Ms. Spat. *shudder*

I did not know he was a conservative. Okay. I'm an adult. I don't have to agree with you (unless you touch my line) in order to enjoy your work.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

JD Robb

I am always surprised when other people have heard about this series set in the future. Imagine my delight when I found a small section for it at a used bookstore. Yay!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Non-Fiction, Non Memoir Book Challenge


I've decided on my first challenge of the year. This challenge is hosted by Julie of My Book Retreat. I am reaching for the elementary level (5 books this year). I am excited because I've been doing lip service for years about reading non fiction. It's also a challenge because essays and articles are not included. I have an idea about what I want to read. I know I'm most likely going to get the books from the library. The challenge runs all year.

So excited.

Saying Goodbye

I will also be posting about comic books on here as well. FYI.

I just skimmed this article on MTV's Geek New detailing the 12 comics that ended in 2011. I was really only looking for a mention of Secret Six written by Gail Simone.

It was number one. Happiness mixed with sadness. I was instantly fond of this series and even when it went places I didn't agree with, I remained loyal.

Photo Source- Secret Six Issue 16 written by Gail Simone/ Cover by Danny Luvisi

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Melissa's Newest (and last) Book Blog

I am starting this blog to record my reading. Hopefully, this will encourage me to challenge myself more in my reading and to use more of my free time for it. I enjoyed reading last year but I did not read as much as I could have read. My bookshelf right now is crowded with books I've been meaning to read for years. So this book is for that. Maybe I'll do some challenges. Maybe I won't. But this here is a blog.

Christopher Moore-Coyote Blue

I can't count this book at all for the first of the year. I started reading it late. I've decided to use this blog for books and comics alike. I hope I'm able to keep it up.

This is not my favorite Moore book but Lamb and Dirty Job were exceptional books. Coyote Blue just feels fun and absurd. I am sucker for a trickster god and Coyote does not disappoint. Moore seems to excel at mean humor and this is pretty much that. I enjoyed the experience and the lore throughout. Good show.

Does anyone else think about Lance Reddick when Minty Fresh shows up? Just me?